Using this feature, tax payers can track online the status of their challans deposited in banks.This offers two kind of search.
a) CIN based view :
On entering Challan Identification Number (CIN i.e. details such as BSR Code of Collecting Branch, Challan Tender Date & Challan Serial No.) and amount (optional),the tax payer can view the following details:
BSR Code
Date of Deposit
Challan Serial Number
Major Head Code with description
Minor Head Code with description
Assesment Year
Name of Tax Payer
Received by TIN on (i.e. date of receipt by TIN)
Confirmation that the amount entered is correct (if amount is entered)
b) TAN based view :
By providing TAN and Challan Tender Date range for a particular financial year , the tax payer can view the following details :
Major Head Code with descriprtion
Minor Head Code
Nature of Payment
If the tax payer enters the amount against a CIN, the system will confirm whether it matches with the details of amount uploaded by the bank.
Challan Status Enquiry for Banks
Using this features, tax collecting branches and the nodal branches can track online the status of their challans deposited in banks as follows :
a) Collecting Bank Branch :
On providing the branch scroll date and the major head code - description, the tax collecting branch can access the total amount and total number of challans for each major head code. Further, the collecting branch can view following details:
Challan Serial Number
Challan Tender Date
Name of Taxpayer
Date of receipt by TIN
b) Nodal Bank Branch :
On providing the nodal scroll date and the major head code-description, the nodal branch can view the following details:
Nodal Branch Scroll Number
Scroll Date
Major Head Code - Description
Total Amount
Number of Branches
Number of Challans
Further, for each Nodal Branch Scroll Number, following information can be accessed:
BSR Code
Branch Scroll Number
Branch Scroll Date
Total Amount
Number of Challans
Date of receipt by TIN