If you are using M S Word for long topics which requires some setting of Page Numbering then this topic may help you a lot in this regard. Have you ever wanted to customize your page numbers in Word? There are some interesting options that will help you give your document that something extra it might be lacking.
To begin, put your cursor on the page where you want your page numbers to appear. If you want it in your document’s footer, go to the View menu in Word 2003, select Header and Footer and then click inside of the footer. In Word 2007 or 2010, go to the Insert tab. Click on Footer in the Header & Footer group and select Edit Footer.
Next, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F9 (that is the F9 key at the top of the keyboard, not F and 9). This inserts field braces, which will look like this { } except they will have a kind of gray shade around them. Simply typing in the brackets does not work. Trust me, I have tried it.
Here is where it gets fun. Want your page number in Roman numerals? Type PAGE \* ROMAN between the brackets so that it looks like so:
You will notice the word Roman is in caps. The numerals on your pages will follow suit, so if you want the numerals lowercase, type PAGE \* roman.
There is one more step to make this work. Right-click the field area and select Update Field. Voila! Roman numerals.
You can also use { PAGE \* ALPHABETIC } for pages that are actually lettered rather than numbered, or { PAGE \* CardText } for spelled out numbers such as one, two and three.